Sunday 13 December 2015

Seductive Quotes | Master Yoda Quotes , Star Wars Quotes

Seductive Quotes : Yoda's age was around 900 years.He was died just before the battle of Endore.He gained as a position of Jedi's master when he was just around 10 years old.

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Seductive Quotes , Star Wars Quotes | Yoda Quotes

 “Ohhh. Great warrior.Wars not make one great.”

 “Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future..”

 “Looking? Found someone you have, eh?”

 “I have many children, as you seek you may find that this the last one till he must die before he must reach the becoming of mankind. Many men have failed but i have surpassed their expectation of being a Jedi master.”

“If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find.”


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